
There’s Treasure Everywhere is a blog that features photos of found, often decayed type examples. The blog allows you to download a higher res version of the photo which lets you see the nity-grity. Great for inspiration if you work with type or designs with aged looks to them.

This is a breath-taking art print by Tara Mcpherson for the Damon Calton and a Polar Bear art series that we mentioned earlier. The design features the two LOST characters Jin and Sun embracing in their final moments (spoiler, oops). This just dropped, so act fast. The print is a 24″x18″, 6 color silkscreen with a split fountain and is an edition of 500, signed and numbered. You can get it here.

Methane Studios makes some pretty snazzy gigposters and art prints. They just released a bunch of new items like pictured above in their webstore. All of the prints are silkscreens in very low editions and very reasonably priced. Get some!
Tyrone Stevenson rocks. In late 2008, I was staying with a couple friends in the Bay. They showed me a youtube video with some kids out of Oakland rapping on scraper bikes. It was cool. It’s getting cooler. Read the brief interview and watch the video. If you’re a bicycle enthusiast, someone who appreciates people having fun with colors, or like to look at social issues through the arts, you’re in for a treat.
It’s fun design with a bright future. And it’s in motion.

Gallery 1988 is a really cool place that likes to hold themed art shows, and they’re always fun. These group shows manage to feature works by some of the hottest names working today, and this show looks like it has the potential to be great. “Another Dimension” is the Twlight Zone-themed art show featuring over 50 artists, opening May 20th at 7PM at Gallery 1988 LosAngeles. While no official preview images are available to view (we’ll post more if it is made public), you can let your imagination do the work for now. Read the full list of artists on the show card here.
UPDATE: A web preview of the artwork in this show has been posted. Enjoy here!

I’ve hesitated to post about this site for a while due to the quickness that most of the artprints they release are sold-out, but since it is the last week of the show, what better time is there to feature such an awesome collection of artwork for what is arguably one of the best character-driven television shows ever made. Besides, there are a few new silkscreen prints that are still available!
Damon, Carlton and a Polar Bear references the names of the executive producers of the show LOST and of course, a polar bear (inside joke). What the name represents is a series of art prints and clothing by some of the coolest working artists around. You can check out their vast gallery of sold out art prints, and browse their current available offerings. They have a few cool silkscreen prints still available featuring images of season 6. Guy Burwell’s latest offering stands out in particular.
If you’re a fan of the show as much as I am, you’ve got to check this site out. This LOST merch definitely trumps the official ABC merch store, and with such handsomely-designed products, you’re sure to be looking good even after everyone’s forgotten who Penny is 🙂 (more…)

Dave Kinsey is at it again. One of the most frequently-featured artists on FP has a new silkscreened art print available for purchase today, Wednesday, May 19th, 2010. This is a 4-color screenprint on 100% cotton rag in an edition of 100. The size is a slightly irregular 18″x22″ and it is signed, numbered, and stamped. If you’re interested in acquiring one of these, you can get it at Black Market Gallery’s Website between 10-11am PST for $85. Dave Kinsey’s prints are normally some of the best-looking silkscreens I’ve come across, so this is sure to please. Full image after the break. (more…)
I’ve been waiting for a decent quality version of this to pop up on Vimeo (Flightpattern’s video service of choice) for some time now, and here it is. Logorama: the 17-minute animated film created by H5. The picture won the Academy Award for Best Animated Short at the 82nd Academy Awards. While it may appear to be light and friendly, the film has some salty language and violence so it might be better watched at home rather than work. You also might recognize a song in the end if you enjoyed Fallout 3 as much as I did. Enjoy!

Even devout watchers of Saturday Night Live may not recognize the name. Many of us can name our favorite sketches (Herlihey Boy/Matt Foley) and argue till we’re blue in the face about which era we prefer (Hartman/Sandler/Farley/Carvey/Meyers/Rock). Casts have come and gone in the 35 years since inception. However, there has always been one constant all these years. Still photography has been used as a way to promote the hosts and musical guests as well as serve as a cue to affiliates that the show is coming back from break. The idea behind the photos have always been to showcase the talent on the show and give you something interesting to look at. Enter Mary Ellen Matthews. (more…)