Ricardo Salamanca is a next-level digital artist and photographer. His portfolio is vast and every piece is highly detailed. You can view high resolution, fullscreen versions of his works at his website by clicking the already generously-sized preview images.
This stop-motion music video for Oren Lavie’s “Her Morning Elegance” was the inspiration for several Amazon Kindle commercials. You can check it out below if you haven’t seen it yet. More importantly, we were informed via the SUGGESTION BOX that the “Her Morning Elegance Gallery” is offering single edition frames of the video for sale at hmegallery.com. You can watch the video below and check out the stills at the gallery’s website. Full press release included after the break. (more…)
Nabil Elderkin is a great photographer / music video director who has worked with some of the biggest names in rap & r&b. His style is varied and experimental. Check out his portfolio of videos at his website or his vimeo page. More samples below. (more…)
Lucy McRae and Bart Hess are LucyandBart, a team of artists who explore material, texture, and the enhancement of the human form through photographic portraits. View a gallery of their work below. (more…)
Our LA-based photographer friend Geoffrey Forbes made the trek over to Munky King tonight to photograph the opening of the Reconstructing Misfortune show for us. This show features misfortunate original pieces by Andrew Bell, Luke Chueh, The Beast Brothers, Kozik, Chris Ryniak, MAD, Reactor88, Jason Siu, Goad, LFOP, TADO, Jon-Paul Kaiser, MCA, Brian Morris, Jason Sui, Abe Lincoln Jr, Motorbot, Scott Wilkowski, and Ferg.
This exhibition runs through October 29th. Enjoy the photos of the event below and make sure to check it out yourself if you’re in the area.
Visit Playge & Jamungo for more info on Misfortune Cat and the rest of FERG’s inspiring work. (more…)
I stumbled upon this old video (below) of eccentric pop artist Andy Warhol ‘painting’ a digital portrait of Debbie Harry in 1985. This video is hilariously bad and fascinating to me, and I figured some of you might appreciate it too. I especially like how the computer guy host seems to be less than thrilled with the color fills Andy is using but Andy is more than fascinated by it and calls his digital manipulation ‘beautiful’ I suppose the concept of this moment is quite beautiful, although the results are laughable by today’s standards. It sure doesn’t hurt to have Debbie Harry circa 1985 as your muse. Witness the first crude steps of a technology that many of us take for granted on a daily basis. (more…)
Todd Baxter is a photographer who’s portfolio is bright, colorful, and fun, but his latest set of images entitled “Owl Scouts” is really a cut above the rest of his work. Check out his site for the full set, and more of my favorites below. (more…)
Andrew Zuckerman is a documentarian, a photographer, who puts his subjects in front of a plain white background and allows you to focus on what makes them special. You may remember his Bird Book which featured incredible images of exotic birds from around the world. His latest work is called “Music” which does the same for a very different subject. The trailer below shows many of the artists involved with the film, and the roster is quite impressive.
The 300 page book comes out October 1st and includes an access code to download the film at TheMusicBook.com . You can order it at Amazon for only $31.50 right now. (more…)
Richard Mosse did this incredible photo set of Eastern Congo entitled “Quick”. These are not photoshopped, but taken with Kodak Aerochrome infrared film. (more…)
Photographer Andrew Zuckerman‘s latest book, “Bird” is a volume of images that are unbelievably stunning. On the website for the book, you can see several large, striking images of Zuckerman’s subjects. Types of bird I have never seen are displayed with vivid detail isolated against a stark white background. Another fun part about the full screen flash website is that all of the images have different positions on the screen depending on what composition they call for. It keeps the presentation fresh and interesting. You can buy the book at amazon here.