
Jay Ryan‘s newest show “Trouble” at Rotofugi Gallery in Chicago is a collection of his most emotional work yet. View much of the show preview below. Many of the paintings in the show are available for purchase by going here.
For those in the Chicago area, the show’s opening reception & signing is Friday, April 22, 2011, 7-10PM with Jay in attendance. Music by DJ Carrie Weston, Sodas by Goose Island and Snacks by Fritz Pastry. (more…)

David B. Smith Gallery in Denver, Colorado is home to many quality art shows, and their latest is no exception. Laura Ball and Ryan McLennan have new works featured at the gallery with an opening reception with the artists on Friday, January 28th from 7-10 pm. View more images below and even more at the gallery’s website. Make sure to check out the detail shots on Laura Ball’s works. Quite impressive watercolors. (more…)

Check out this great timelapse video of Tara McPherson painting “Safety of Water”, a new piece for her current show at Jonathan LeVine Gallery in New York. The show opened tonight and you can get more information at the gallery’s website. Enjoy the video of Tara painting a really fantastic piece below. (more…)

Our LA-based photographer friend Geoffrey Forbes made the trek over to Munky King tonight to photograph the opening of the Reconstructing Misfortune show for us. This show features misfortunate original pieces by Andrew Bell, Luke Chueh, The Beast Brothers, Kozik, Chris Ryniak, MAD, Reactor88, Jason Siu, Goad, LFOP, TADO, Jon-Paul Kaiser, MCA, Brian Morris, Jason Sui, Abe Lincoln Jr, Motorbot, Scott Wilkowski, and Ferg.
This exhibition runs through October 29th. Enjoy the photos of the event below and make sure to check it out yourself if you’re in the area.
Visit Playge & Jamungo for more info on Misfortune Cat and the rest of FERG’s inspiring work. (more…)

Look below to see some of the amazing custom Misfotune Cats that will be on display at the RECONSTRUCTING MISFOTUNE show at MunkyKing, LosAngeles, Oct 8 from 7-10pm. The Reconstructing Misfortune show features several artists’ take on the 8″ tall Misfortune Cat by PLAYGE ( Ferg / Jamungo ). At the show, there will be some special releases including 4″ mini misfortune cats in a black and gold colorway that is exclusive to MunkyKing (see below). There will also be 2.5″ micro-misfortunes revealed. We’ll continue coverage of this event and update this post with any new images which will surely be released in the weeks until the show.
Edit Number Two! Many more pieces added below! (more…)

Shepard Fairey has a show opening tonight at his Subliminal Projects Gallery. The show is called “Printed Matters” and according to the artist, focuses on the concept of mass production as much of his art already does. To commemorate the show, he is releasing a very limited silkscreen print in an odd size of 11″x16″ for only $25. As usual, the print is signed and numbered from an edition of 300. This print features the iconic loom image last used on a 2002 print, with this one adding much more collage texture to the image. If you’re interested, you can try your luck at obeygiant tomorrow, Friday, September 17th at a random time. Full image below. (more…)

Painter Esao Andrews has a new show entitled “Solid Void” at Jonathan LeVine Gallery in NYC running through October 9th. The show preview is robust and features some really great looking pieces.
Look below to behold the new work and at the gallery’s website for much more. If you’re in the area, this is surely a show to check out. (more…)

While a majority of the incredible art shows are limited to the coasts, sometimes we get the occasional gem in the midwest. Aaron Horkey’s Midwestern Heart is a selection of drawings from 2003-2010. Aaron has also produced a breathtaking art print for the opening which can be seen in full below. After the opening, prints will be made available online and we’ll keep you posted with release information. The show opens on Sunday, September 12th, from 2:00-4:00pm and runs through November 20th at the Remick Gallery in Windom, MINN. The flyer for the show is below as well. Via omgposters.com
Update: There will be a Black Osprey x Mega Fauna pin-back button set made available at the show as well. See photograph of the pins below. (more…)