We’re coming up on 5 months of FlightPattern and over 170 posts so far. As the wheels turn on this project, things are starting to get easier. We’ve spent the last few days tweaking code, making the site leaner and meaner, adding features and mapping our plans for the future.
In the coming weeks you may notice some changes including a redesigned header, improved loading times and more. If you have any suggestions for what we can do to make this site more interesting and handy, let us know by emailing hello@flightpattern.net or use the Suggestion Box.
One tip for keeping up with all the posts we make on FlightPattern is to Become a Fan on Facebook. By doing so, all of our updates will be fed directly into your newsfeed so you don’t even have to think about FP, it comes to you. You can also Follow us on Twitter which feeds the same updates as the facebook page. There’s also the RSS feed if you’re into that.
If you’re interested in helping us make this site better, we’re interested in hearing from you. We’re looking for contributors with their finger on the pulse of any creative scene. Hit us up to get started.
And as always, keep the contributions coming in. We appreciate all the help making this site an interesting resource for anyone interested in the creative world.
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