
Dan Springer is an illustrator from Toronto who has just released series 2 of his ‘Roving Eye’ glasses. According to the designer, the eyeball is printed on the inside, so when the glass is turned, the eye follows you. Interesting concept and awesome illustrations of your favorite monsters. Series 2 includes cycloptic renderings of The Witch, The Creature, The Mummy, and The Wolfman. This set of 11oz glasses is only from an edition of 24!
If you’re a completist like me, you’ll want to get series one as well, which features The Devil, The Skull, Dracula, and The Frankenstein Monster. Only 8 sets of series 1 were recently reprinted so these should sell out quickly!
Pricing for each set is $55 with $15 shipping, Canadian Dollars (Approximately 67 USD Shipped. Paypal automatically does this conversion for you). You can order them and get even more information about the product at Dan Springer’s website. Larger pictures below. (more…)

Five, five dollar, five dollar silkscreeeeeen. Doublenaut has marked down several silkscreened items in their store to only $5 Canadian. Check it out and grab something while it’s still available!

This is one spectacular new animated video for “Strange Enough” by N.A.S.A. ( thats ”North America South America”) featuring Ol’ Dirty Bastard of Wu Tang’s last recorded lyrics along side Karen O of the Yeah Yeah Yeahs. The animation is all based on the artwork of Stephan Doitschinoff.
Below you can check out the video, plus a bonus video showing the storyboarding side by side with the final product. (more…)

Photographer Andrew Zuckerman‘s latest book, “Bird” is a volume of images that are unbelievably stunning. On the website for the book, you can see several large, striking images of Zuckerman’s subjects. Types of bird I have never seen are displayed with vivid detail isolated against a stark white background. Another fun part about the full screen flash website is that all of the images have different positions on the screen depending on what composition they call for. It keeps the presentation fresh and interesting. You can buy the book at amazon here.

Brian Ewing is an illustrator who has been working regularly for the Vans Warped Tour and other great musical acts for some time now. His brand new book entitled “Don’t Hold Your Breath: Nothing New From Brian Ewing” is available now and features large full color reproductions of his best work for a variety of clients. You can check out more images from the layout below, and order the book from Amazon for a mere $15.63. For a hardcover, that is a steal! There is also a very cool flip book that lets you browse even more pages of the book. Most interesting about this book is the inclusion of thumbnail sketches for many of the finished designs included in the book as seen below. This sort of behind-the-scenes stuff is very inspiration to any visual artist! (more…)

It was about 120 degrees in The Double Door Wednesday, July 14th. The room was packed from wall to wall and an eclectic mix of 80’s standards and modern hip hop tracks played along with the stage lights. Beams of light cut through the clouds of what seemed to be artificial smoke, but was actually perspiration. A human fog filled the room and everyone was dripping with no escape from the suffocating heat. Moisture collected on the ceiling. The floor began to get slick, and then it started. Die Antwoord took the stage and the bass hit my chest like a sledge hammer as the hooded emcees jumped on stage backed by a ghoul-masked DJ. As the throbbing beats shook the building, the crowd moved as one and the floorboards flexed like a trampoline. It was at this moment that I stopped toiling in the miserable heat and started to embrace it. (more…)

I was browsing the colorful designer vinyl toys in Rotofugi this week and couldn’t help but notice a poster for their next gallery show by the art collective Coarse. I have never heard of Coarse until now, but their style is intriguing. Combining an interest in designer vinyl, photography, and photo manipulation, along with more traditional digital illustration, Coarse artists Mark Landwehr, Sven Waschk and Chrissi Jülich create work that is very fresh and should make for an interesting show. The exhibit opens tonight, Friday July 16, 2010 from 7-10pm at Rotofugi Gallery, Chicago, and runs through August 8th. More images below. (more…)

Despite what you might think of Andrew W.K., this new music video is hilarious and features fantastic animated artwork by Gunsho. One of the most interesting choices in this insane video is the use of very loud sound effects that at times drown out the actual music this video is for. Wacky and over the top animations merged with horrible greenscreen footage of A.W.K. doing what he does best, Buffoonery. Make sure to watch in full screen at 1080p and you’ll be exhausted by the end. Written, directed, and produced by Peter Glantz, Art by Gunsho, Animated by Thomas McConnell. Video Below. (more…)