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Flightpattern is a PaleBird Production
Street Artist Max Zorn makes Tape Art

Max Zorn Street Artist - FlightPattern

Street Artist Max Zorn uses packing tape to create a fantastic portrait by layering tape and removing shapes with an x-acto knife. This reverse stencil technique is fun to watch in this sped-up process video. Check it out below! (more…)

Category: Street Art No Comments »
Death Cab For Cutie’s “Home Is A Fire” featuring Shepard Fairey

Death Cab For Cutie "Home Is A Fire"

Shepard Fairey is featured in the music video for Death Cab For Cutie’s newest music video for the song “Home Is A Fire”. This video features wheatpasted lyrics and shots of the city of Los Angeles with the occasional shot of Fairey at work in his shop and in the streets. Enjoy the video below and below that, Shepard’s statement on the project. Death Cab For Cutie’s album Codes And Keys, will be available May 31, 2011. (more…)

Category: Film, Music, Street Art No Comments »
Joshua Allen Harris

Joshua Allen Harris

Joshua Allen Harris creates inflatable street sculptures made of trash bags that are attached to grates over subway lines. The sculptures fill with air as the trains move under and deflate as they pass. Check out the videos of the creations below. Unfortunately I cannot find any recent works by the artist. It appears that he had a spurt of work around 2008 and hasn’t kept a website for showcasing his new creations. More below. (more…)

Category: Sculpture, Spotlight, Street Art No Comments »
Banksy’s The Simpsons Opening

Banksy's The Simpsons Opening

Last night, The Simpsons opened with their introduction as usual, however this time it had been storyboarded and directed by Banksy. The intro gives us a look at how The Simpsons show and merchandise are created. Enjoy after the break! (more…)

Category: Animation, Street Art No Comments »
Shepard Fairey “Freedom of the Press” / “Printed Matters”

Shepard Fairey "Freedom of the Press"

Shepard Fairey has a show opening tonight at his Subliminal Projects Gallery. The show is called “Printed Matters” and according to the artist, focuses on the concept of mass production as much of his art already does. To commemorate the show, he is releasing a very limited silkscreen print in an odd size of 11″x16″ for only $25.  As usual, the print is signed and numbered from an edition of 300. This print features the iconic loom image last used on a 2002 print, with this one adding much more collage texture to the image. If you’re interested, you can try your luck at obeygiant tomorrow, Friday, September 17th at a random time. Full image below. (more…)

Category: Art Prints, Exhibitions, Silkscreen, Street Art No Comments »
Exit Through The Gift Shop UK Release

Exit Through The Gift Shop UK Release

Banksy’s greatest creation, Mr. Brainwash Exit Through The Gift Shop is now available on BluRay and DVD in the UK. You can grab the BluRay version for only £11.93 at Amazon UK. We will keep an eye out and publish news about its USA release date, but it is currently still screening across the country. Go to the film’s website to find a theater near you and go see this breathtaking achievement for yourself.

Category: Film, Street Art No Comments »
Shepard Fairey “Woody Guthrie”

Shepard Fairey "Woody Guthrie"

Shepard Fairey’s latest portrait is one of his best to date, and it also breaks from the normal form factor that Fairey works in. This portrait is printed on the same 18″x24″ stock that obey prints normally come on, but the image size does not fill the sheet, as to preserve the composition of Fariey’s painting based on the photograph by Sid Grossman.

This print is an edition of 450, signed and numbered, at a price of $65, limit 1 per person. The print will go online at a random time on Thursday, August 19th at Obey Giant.

More information on the release of this print and words from Shepard about Woody Guthrie can be read at Obey Giant. Full image below. (more…)

Category: Art Prints, Silkscreen, Street Art 1 Comment »
Scraper Bikes

Tyrone Stevenson rocks.  In late 2008, I was staying with a couple friends in the Bay.  They showed me a youtube video with some kids out of Oakland rapping on scraper bikes.  It was cool.  It’s getting cooler.  Read the brief interview and watch the video.  If you’re a bicycle enthusiast, someone who appreciates people having fun with colors, or like to look at social issues through the arts, you’re in for a treat.

It’s fun design with a bright future.  And it’s in motion.

Category: Street Art 1 Comment »
Aidan Hughes

Aidan Hughes

Aidan Hughes is a British commercial artist that specializes in high contrast illustrations. He has been active in the art world for over 30 years now and his style is highly recognizable by thick black lines. He is probably most famous for his album covers for the band KMFDM. A lot of Hughes work uses a black and white color scheme or black and white with accent colors. His primary influence has been stated as Cold War era Russian propaganda. As such, most of his work deals with the idea of violence, oppression, and revolt. For more information,  check out his blog.


Category: Drawing, Graphic Design, Illustration, Spotlight, Street Art No Comments »
Shepard Fairey “May Day” Exhibition & Print Releases

Shepard Fairey has a new gallery exhibition opening May 1 at Deitch Projects in NY. With this new show we are presented with a great deal of new art prints for purchase on May 1. Above, you can see the May Day Flag offset print available at a random time May 1. The print measures 18″x24″ and is a signed and numbered edition of 600 for $35. On May 1st, get yourself over to obeygiant.com and pound your refresh button to snag one.

After the break you can check out the 6 new portrait prints that will be available for purchase at the show opening. Remaining stock will be sold on obeygiant.com at a later date. The portraits are some of the best he’s done in a while and among them we are presented with a second Muhammad Ali and Debbie Harry rendition by the artist. The Iggy Pop and Debbie Harry prints will be signed by the musicians as well as Shepard Fairey.

If you’re lucky enough to live in or near NYC and can make it to this opening, we’d love to have photos of the event. Get in touch with us if you can provide coverage of the event.


Category: Art Prints, Collage, Exhibitions, Illustration, Silkscreen, Street Art No Comments »
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Flightpattern is a PaleBird Production