American Artifact is a documentary about gig posters and it is released on DVD today! You can pick up a double-disc edition on for a mere $25.00. The film’s website has a ton of information about the artists involved as well as a variety of different poster designs for the movie. Check it out!
According to the filmmakers, the documentary features: Stanley Mouse, Frank Kozik, Art Chantry, EMEK, COOP, Derek Hess, Mark Arminski, Tara McPherson, Justin Hampton, Victor Moscoso, Jermaine Rogers, Jay Ryan, Chuck Sperry, Ron Donovan, Lindsey Kuhn, Leia Bell, Jim Pollock, Randy Tuten, Jim Sherraden & Hatch Show Print, Scrojo, Winston Smith, Print Mafia, Paul Imagine, Kevin Bradley, Julie Belcher, Jeff Wood, Steve Walters, Mat Daly, Stainboy, David Singer, Dennis Loren, Mike Martin, Gary Grimshaw, and Chris Shaw. American Artifact starts in the 1960s, and moves towards a moment when the posters became collectibles, featuring testimonials by top artists, fans, and musicians. Buy it now!
One Response to “American Artifact – The Rise of American Rock Poster Art”
“I worked in the school lunchroom in high school…. that.. sucked.” – That dude. Hilarious. This looks neato,
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