
TimesScapes is a bunch of gorgeous footage in super high definition (shot in 4K). The vimeo embed is best watched in HD full screen. Click play and drop jaw.
You can download a super high res version via a link on the video’s vimeo page.

This is just unreal animation. BUCK created this commercial for Good Books, a book store where all profits go to charity. The animation and script is themed around Hunter S. Thompson and flows exquisitely from one melting image to the next. You’ve got to watch this a couple times to really soak it all in. Video and screenshots below.


I’ve been enjoying this Daniel Danger paper lantern in my home for some time now. It is a nice large 16″ lantern for only $12, with an optional (necessary if you don’t have one) light kit for another $6.95. Shipping is only $5 and these lanterns come packed very well from the Chicago toy store / gallery Rotofugi. I highly recommend this or any of their other unique products.
Check out more of Daniel Danger‘s artwork at his website.

Street Artist Max Zorn uses packing tape to create a fantastic portrait by layering tape and removing shapes with an x-acto knife. This reverse stencil technique is fun to watch in this sped-up process video. Check it out below! (more…)

A little doom and gloom to start the week! There’s No Tomorrow is a 35 minute-long short animated film about peak oil, overpopulation, conservation, and various energy technologies.
But it’s animated in a fun and delightful way. Video Below.
Also See: Collapse, streaming on Netflix for extended homework on this subject. Michael Ruppert chain smokes and blasts you with fear. It’s fun! Promise. (more…)

Take a look at this fantastic animated short “The Gloaming”. Video Below (more…)